Download Slap Dee Black Na White Albums

Listen to the greatest albums produced in Zambian music hiphop history

Black Na White 3 (BW3)

Released in 2024 this album focuses on the local talents and impowers the importance of african cultural norms

Black Na White 2 (BW2)

Released in 2017 this album was dedicated to slap dee’s daughter Nandi

Black Na White

Realesed in September 2014 this is the first and original Black Na White Album

Download Slap Dee Other Albums

Listen to the greatest albums produced in Zambian music hiphop history

Mother Tongue

Released in 2021 this album focuses on the local talents and is dedicated to the late Deav Zambia

The Business

Released in 2016 this album was debuted during the peak Hiphop days in Zambia

So che EP

Realesed in September 2012 this is one of the best Album produced in the Zambiam hiphop era

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